Potcast 246: Stress, Breathwork, Cold Therapy, and Cannabis
BRANDON POWELL is a coach of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Self Defense and Functional Fitness, and a level three Wim Hof breath work coach. He owns and operates a dojo in Charlotte, NC. Brandon currently hosts classes and experiences across the U.S.
CONNECT ON SOCIAL: @BrandonPowel396 | @on_phyr
On today’s potcast, we’re adding another layer to the discussions from Potcast 244 with Mark England and Potcast 245 with Ryan Sprague. If you haven’t listened to those, I highly encourage you to do it or don’t but do.
Today we’re getting in the weeds on stress, breath work, cold therapy, and cannabis with a third degree black belt in Brazilian jiu jitsu and a level three Wim Hof breath work coach. Brandon Powell is also a coach of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Self Defense and Functional Fitness. He owns and operates a dojo in Charlotte, NC. Brandon teaches seminars and classes on the Wim Hof Method at his dojo and abroad.
We discuss the role of emotional intelligence, cold water, breathwork, sweat, and sound for healing the body. And we explore pairing cannabis into the process.
Brandon has been described as a blend of warrior, shaman, relentless searcher, technician, and highly attuned teacher. By the end of this chat you’ll understand the value of conscious breathing and have the tools you need to develop habits that will optimize your nervous system thus improving your health and overall life experience. So, smoke ‘em if you got ‘em and settle in. It’s time to get casually baked.
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‘After the Show’ Notes
"Getting uncomfortable will make you more comfortable in life." - Wim Hof
Are you inspired to do the uncomfortable thing, get a little tougher and experience relief? If so, I hope you’ll share this potcast with your smoke circle.
As Brandon mentioned during our discussion, remember to find a practice that resonates with you - something that you’re willing to repeat. Longevity is key to lasting change. So create an art form out of your practice - whatever that is.
I tried out the face-only cold plunge. And I gotta say, it’s very uncomfortable - like I was water boarding myself. I’d honestly rather submerge my entire body into an ice bath for four minutes instead of holding my breath and plunging my face into ice water. But it is a quick and free alternative.
Breath practitioners and fighters tend toward using cannabis and NOT drinking alcohol. And breathwork can be used to combat any anxiety during cannabis consumption.
THE ULTIMATE GOAL: Listen to your body! Conscious breathing is what you're really trying to develop overall, to be a very good, strong, conscious breather and use the breath, how it's needed in the moment.
Reading Recommendation from Brandon Powell
You will never breathe the same again. Breath turns the conventional wisdom of what we thought we knew about our most basic biological function on its head.
There is nothing more essential to our health and well-being than breathing: take air in, let it out, repeat 25,000 times a day. Yet, as a species, humans have lost the ability to breathe correctly, with grave consequences.
Award-winning science journalist, James Nestor, travels the world to find out what went wrong in our evolution of breathing — and how to fix it.
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