Potcast 240: The Friend Economy
For the past three years, like so many other humans on Planet Earth, I’ve struggled financially. And every time I thought ‘I don't know how I'm gonna make this work?’ Someone showed up in my life at the right time and place. Some needed my skills for a project. Others reminded me of a time that I’d shown up for them and as a thank you, gifted me monetarily when I needed it most.
Not having things I’ve needed over the past few years has been painful, stressful, sometimes embarrassing, and oftentimes like a prison sentence. But through leaning into my conscious awareness, I’ve come to recognize the gifts of this season of lack in my life. Not being able to take care of everything myself forced me into the uncomfortable place of being vulnerable and honest about my struggles, learning to ask for help, and staying high-vibe, focused, and faithful in the midst of uncertainty.
Sure, at any point I could’ve thrown in the towel on my dreams and gone back to some corporate marketing job. I still can. But I left that life because it was robbing my soul. So I continue to double-down on living an inspired life - whatever that looks like in the moment.
As a result, I’ve had friends showing up for me because they believe in my message, they believe in my dream, and they value the light that I shine into the world.
If you’re not actively supporting your dreams, this potcast is for you. It’s also for anyone feeling overworked, underpaid and in need of appreciation.
And lots of folks I know are feeling that pressure. Continuing to hustle harder while making less money and having no free time - we all know it’s not a sustainable way to live. And it’s certainly not inspiring. But you know what is? Being surrounded by people who love and believe in you and want your highest good. That’s what's so beautiful about the friend economy. I gift what I do best to the people around me who in turn gift me with what comes easily and joyfully to them.
Perhaps this potcast will inspire you to clean up your network and show up with a giving heart.
Like everything else in the world right now, we have to bring community back into what we're doing.
Consciously seeking humanity, and seeing a piece of ourself in every person that we work with and every stranger we meet. That's a pillar of the friend economy. Living less online and more in real life. Getting your hands dirty in the garden, cleaning up your community, and doing the sometimes messy work of relationship repair. Being in truth and in love with those people that you're building things with, whether or not that's a business, a friendship, marriage or family. If you can't be in truth, then what are you doing? What's the fucking point?
Crys and Jo: We’ve been co-creating since the late 70’s.
And if somebody drives you crazy, listen. Pay attention. What in the world are you trying to learn from them? Because you came here to learn lessons, just like me, and it’s no accident that the people that aggravate us are the people that aggravate us.
And if you see someone in your community that needs support and you don't know how you might help, get still and sit in reflection. Ask your God or your higher self, How can I be a light in my community? How can I be of highest service? It could be helping one person at a time. It might be teaching a workshop or sharing your art. We're all unique, powerful creators, and when we consciously co-create in our communities, everything gets better.
My blood and soul sister, Crystal Nuding, joins me to talk about the importance of high-vibe living and finding peace, inspiration, and abundance in your everyday experience. So smoke ‘em if you got ‘em and settle in. It’s time to get casually baked.
This Potcast Is Covered By MJ Relief
MJ Relief is the muscle rub I co-created with my bestie Ph.D. formulation scientist, Monica Vialpando.
MJ Relief is CBD-infused to address personal aches and pains. Our challenge was to choose an entourage of ingredients all with anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and/or skin-soothing qualities that would work just as well or better than competing CBD topicals with exponentially higher mg/ml and higher price tags. MJ is strong enough for performance athletes and gentle enough for sensitive skin. Explore our formulation and support your body and my small business at MJSkinRelief.com.
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‘After the Show’ Notes
I hope today’s chat inspired you to choose people in your life that light you up, that brighten your spirit, that elevate you in some way, shape or form, or who challenge you. Polarity is a plus! So, please have people in your circle that don't think like you and that challenge you to see life differently.
And as hard as it may seem, don’t focus so much right now on what you need. Look out into your community and figure out what you can give. And as soon as you start giving, be ready to receive.
And maybe you have some work relationships that haven’t panned out the way you thought they were going to when you signed up for ‘em. You've signed contracts and money’s been exchanged, and now maybe you feel like you're in a bad marriage that you can't get out of. Look at that relationship. How can you see it differently? How can you find the gift? This is something I’ve had to practice in several working relationships where I wasn’t receiving the promised value exchange. And I’ve found that as long as I am willing to be in truth with that person, and speak from a place of loving awareness, and I make space for change and a better outcome that serves both of our highest good, it's going to work. I will not only receive the gift of that partnership but will inevitably nurture the friendship in the process. That too is the friend economy.
If this message today resonated with you, reach out! I’d love to know your story.
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This is a fantastic time for conscious creators. The new paradigm is here and our ability to choose what comes next is NOW.
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Refine Your Network and Grow Your Business
Yes, we’re here on earth school to learn lessons, but nobody said it has to feel like a punishing lecture. Let it be fun!
Evaluate Your Circle
Give Your Gift to Receive Others
Pay Each Other - Through Referrals, Reviews, and Visualizing Each Others’ Success
Offer Friends and Family Rates and Discounts
In Real Life Connection - Make Time, Hold Space, Celebrate Each Others’ Wins
Be In Truth And Speak with Loving Kindness
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