Potcast 239: Belize It
Before the holiday break we discussed cannabis hospitality and tourism. And on this first potcast of the new year, we’re traveling to Placencia, Belize, where we explore the traps of tourism, our relationship with nature and the importance of sharing that wisdom. We also discuss cannabis culture in Belize and what life is like for the locals. Our tour guide was featured in Jack Hanna’s Animal Adventures in 2005 and profiled in Esquire magazine in 2007.
Jo recording P239 with Percival Gordon in Placencia, Belize.
I’d learned of Percy Gordon from my sister Crystal when she and her wife Dionne recounted their adventures with him on previous trips to Placencia. And we were all set to go on this nine day winter getaway together, but one passport snafu later and I was traveling without them. This would be my first holiday in three years and I fought through workaholic feelings and the fear of being out of commission for nine days on the heels of MJBizCon and just before my colleagues began shutting it down for the holidays. As a creator, the past three years have been a roller coaster, and my “work is play” model was being put to the ultimate test. So, I packed up a minimal recording kit just in case I was inspired to use it. And as it turns out, I was.
And I am devoted to creating media as medicine in a world hijacked by propaganda.
That’s why I was inspired to have this conversation with Percival, the charismatic fisherman and tour guide affectionately known as Monkey Man. Percy has a closer relationship with nature than anyone I’ve ever met. And after finishing our tour of his home village of Monkey River and traipsing through the jungle I asked Percy if I might join him the next day - not for another tour, but to tag along and experience a day in his life. Percy and his brother George would be free diving for Lobster and Conch the next day and he welcomed me and my friend Jessica to join them.
As cannabis legalization continues, I hope you put cannabis-friendly destinations at the top of your travel list. And then get out there and start exploring - whether or not you have a travel companion. As someone who’s done mostly solo travel, I’ve received so much love, support, and compassion from perfect strangers when I found myself lost in translation or being harassed at a bus stop. There are good humans everywhere, and if you’re being one you’re sure to find another one when you’re in need. I say that because I watch the fear of “what could happen” keep so many people from living their best, most inspired life.
Travel has also gifted me with more understanding of my privilege and my responsibility as a human to be of service to the planet and to elevate the human experience. Talking to strangers, pushing beyond my comfort zones and staying curious has enriched my life. This experience in Belize and the time I spent with the locals enriched my life. One thing I know for sure is that interacting first-hand with different cultures is an important tool for connecting the dots and understanding both the truth and propaganda of the world we live in. So smoke ‘em if you got ‘em and settle in. You better Belize, it’s time to get casually baked.
This Potcast Is Covered By MJ Relief
When I’m traveling, I can’t always bring cannabis with me, but I never leave home without my MJ Relief.
Even when I pack light, my carry on bag makes up for it. Between the mobile office, podcasting equipment, travel necessities, and snacks, my neck and shoulders feel beat up before I make it to my final destination. Because MJ Relief has a soothing, unisex scent, I don’t feel guilty giving myself a quick neck and shoulder massage mid-flight.
If you’re feeling my travel pain and want some muscle and joint relief of your own, head over to MJSkinRelief.com.
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‘After the Show’ Notes

Jungle school with Percy in Monkey River, Belize - The Glue Tree
Jungle school with Percy - making walking sticks
Jungle school with Percy. Learning about the plants in Monkey River, Belize.
Belize, as a nation, is a former British colony. Modern-day Belize was first settled by pirates and loggers, only gaining independence in 1981. It nestles on the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, which is the second largest barrier reef in the world. Belize has the lowest population density per land mass in Central America and offers protected status to over 35 percent of its landmass and over 13 percent of its territorial waters. In 2010, Belize became the first country in the world to ban bottom trawling — a destructive industrial fishing method where a large, weighted net is dragged across the seafloor, scooping up everything in its path, including non-target species, and damaging coral. And in 2018, it signed into law a moratorium on offshore oil exploration and drilling in the entirety of Belizean waters. Given these environmentally-friendly measures, you would think the country was a conservationist’s dream. But that’s not entirely the case because the country relies so heavily on the tourism industry as Percy shared with us.
And regarding the cruise ships, another reason that’s such a sensitive subject is due to the fact that Belize is believed to have the largest breeding population of the endangered Antillean manatees. These marine mammals face a major threat every time the city-size cruise ships plow right through the manatees’ breeding ground on their way to dock at the man-made island the cruise industry spent millions of dollars developing. Instead of focusing on encouraging tourists to enjoy the natural wonders of the country, their aim is to herd passengers to popular tourist destinations as quickly as possible so that they can get them back to the cruise ship on time. The way these boats are operated, the speed that they travel, and their lack of respect for no-wake zones results in regular collisions with these gentle creatures, which very often leads to their serious injury and death.
I’ve only been on one cruise in my life and upon boarding the ship knew I’d never do it again. As you can imagine, on that cruise I spent a lot of time talking to the international employees making it all happen - waitstaff, entertainers, bartenders, maids - and their lives sounded akin to indentured servitude. And it’s not like I got to really enjoy any of the destinations we visited on that cruise. Everything did feel rushed and I was constantly anxious about getting back to the ship on time. There’s something to be said about the simplify to amplify concept. Don’t be afraid to choose a destination and really immerse yourself in everything it has to offer. Alright, that’s my two cents on travel.
As for a new year acknowledgement, for me, in 2023, play has become a priority again. Because having fun and being light and laughing raises my vibration and that of everyone I’m in contact with. And that’s the sort of energy that brings about positive change. May we all use this time to review our habits, thought patterns, and the community we surround ourselves with. And either recommit or evolve our lifestyle to serve our highest good and that of the collective. 💚💙 We’re in this together, my friend, so let’s elevate our experience in 2023. What will you devote your time to in this new year? Write it down, tell your inner circle, or tell me - whatever you do, hold yourself accountable for being your best self.
And if you’re interested in business collaborations or wellness lifestyle coaching email your messages, requests or canna curious questions here!
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