Posts in Unsolicited Advice
Potcast 241: Curious About Cannabis

In this chat with Jason Wilson, creator of the Curious About Cannabis educational platform and cannabis science textbook, we talk about the unsung compounds in cannabis, essential oils and inhalation, testing lab culture, and the trickle-down effect for consumers. We also discuss THC and THC-light alternatives (a.k.a. synthetic cannabinoids), legalization, and patient empowerment. Nerd out on cannabis education with us! The more you know, the better the plant and your relationship with it grow.

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Potcast 240: The Friend Economy

If you’re not actively supporting your dreams, this potcast is for you. It’s also for anyone feeling overworked, underpaid and in need of appreciation. Continuing to hustle harder- we all know it’s not a sustainable way to live. My blood and soul sister, Crystal Nuding, joins me to talk about the importance of high-vibe living and finding peace, inspiration, and abundance in your everyday experience. Come explore the friend economy with us!

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Potcast 169: Highly Responsible Lifestyle Choices

If you’re a high achiever looking to up-level your everyday experience and performance while living the casually baked lifestyle, this potcast is for you. Fellow podcaster and lifestyle entrepreneur, Cary Jack joins Jo for a chat about healthy habits and happy hustlin'. As founder of The Happy Hustle, Cary walks the walk and inspires us to enjoy the journey. Find resources to get you into the habit of high-vibin’ here.

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Potcast 165: Detoxify Your Life in Jack's Garage

One of the goals for creating this potcast three years ago was to showcase how people just like you are incorporating cannabis into their daily lives. Today’s guests on the potcast share their testimonies of how ingesting cannabis and a plant-based diet literally saved their lives. During the potcast, we discuss a letter I received from a casually baked listener concerned about her father’s quality of life.

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Potcast 145: The Workplaycation

Last week I celebrated my 44th birthday in Palm Springs with my cannabis soul sister. She was posted up in the desert for work and I drove down to join her for a week that I deemed a "workplaycation." Dr. Monica Vialpando joins me on Potcast 145 to discuss my birthday mushroom journey takeaways, creativity, the art of product formulation, and the newly launched Via Innovations Ready-Made Product Catalog. Learn more and see our workplaycation photo album here!

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Potcast 144: The Big Pivot

Bruce Perlowin was once a famous marijuana smuggler but became an entrepreneur as he shifted his focus towards hemp over a decade ago. He saw the many biodiverse uses of hemp, the potential that it had, and recognized that hemp would become the future of the cannabis industry. Bruce and I discuss hemp farming, a desert hempathon, the rise of the cannabinoid known as Cannabigerol (CBG), and the importance of getting non-violent cannabis prisoners out of jail and back on their feet.

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Potcast 139: Raise My Vibration

I recognize that I’m not in control of anything but how I show up and engage with the world. That’s why it’s important for me to be aware and make thoughtful decisions every step of the way. And I’m best at it with a high vibration. We all are, actually. On Potcast 139 we explore the intersection of cannabis and vibration with my sister and consciousness coach, Crystal Nuding. Understand the power and importance of the energy you bring to each and every conversation, situation, and relationship in your life.

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Potcast 134: Cannabis Mindset Rx

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, so let’s acknowledge that exacerbated loneliness is a real issue right now. Whatever you’re working through in your own life, I think you’ll appreciate this cannabis-infused chat with one of my soul sisters. We talk about connection, emotions, mental health, self-care, clarity, and living your best life. Check out the resources we collected here to help you get your mojo workin’.

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Potcast 125: Cannabis Voter Project

Are you looking for meaningful ways to get involved in helping advance the cannabis movement? Right now, the most timely thing you can do to affect change is to get people involved in our democracy. Learn about Headcount - an organization near and dear to my heart - and the Cannabis Voter Project on Potcast 125. Get registered to vote, learn how your representatives are shaping cannabis policy, and how to create a voter registration activation in your community. You’ll find valuable links to the resources you need in these show notes.

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Potcast 123: Coronavirus PSA

The cannabis community is a friendly bunch, always happy to share. But right now, I’m encouraging you to curb the puff puff pass and listen to Potcast 123 with Elyon Williams for the real-real on the Coronavirus and what you can do to safeguard your personal wellness. Find important information, recommendations, and supporting data here.

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Potcast 115: Cannabis for Cancer

This is part two of our journey through cancer. Listen in on this family-style cannabis lifestyle session. We talk cannabis, cancer, and a healing mindset. My hope is it will give you insight into cannabis-infused treatment options and provide you and your caregiver with the dialogue to confidently have important conversations with your medical team and support system about cannabinoid therapy.

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Potcast 77: Cannabis Sherpa

A lot of you reach out to me for tips on starting the cannabis conversation and normalizing your casually baked lifestyle. If you have a knack for hosting and a love for cannabis, perhaps Potcast 77 will inspire you to share cannabis-infused experiences with your inner circle. Great ideas live here!

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