Potcast 43: iRest and Chill
It's PTSD Awareness Month and since everyone is so amped up and on edge these days we're taking it down a notch on Potcast 43. Discover how to free yourself of reactionary behavior and create ease in your life using cannabis and meditation techniques. It's helping veterans and can change your life, too. Namaste all day!
[NOTE: Interview recorded on Friday, June 22. Jo's commentary recorded on Sunday, June 24.]
'After the Show' Notes
Jaene Leonard is known as the Compassionate Budtender and passionately helps newbies navigate the world of cannabis and mindfulness. That's why if you email her through this online form she'll be happy to send you a free .mp3 of the guided iRest Yoga Nidra meditation similar to the shortened version Jaene performed with me on the potcast. Be sure to specify if you want the sleep version or traditional practice.
Operation EVAC: This Veteran support and resource group Jaene works with is "Educating Veterans About Cannabis" in the Bay Area. Group meetings are held in San Francisco, Oakland, Berkeley, Richmond, and Sacramento, CA. Events calendar and locations on their website.
The Depart of Veterans Affairs (VA) and Cannabis - We briefly mention this in the potcast and I said a US Senator from Texas was the roadblock. I misspoke. It's U.S. Representative Pete Sessions (R-TX) who serves as Chairman of the Rules Committee. Under Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX), the Rules Committee has made a practice over the past several years of blocking marijuana amendments from reaching the House floor. Read up on the latest where House GOP blocks Marijuana Research Amendment for Veterans. Texans, we're calling on you to find Pete's replacement!
Recommended Reading for Those Who Spend Serious Amounts of Time on Social Media:
We're living in hostile times where stress and egos seem to inadvertently take the wheel when we feel threatened. There are severe consequences to that as demonstrated by Franchesca Ramsey in her memoir "Well, That Escalated Quickly: Memoirs and Mistakes of an Accidental Activist." Let her story and that of others be a cautionary tale to stop, breathe, and think things through to avoid the shit storm of overreacting and the snowball effect those actions can have on your life and others!
Free iRest Audio
Email Jaene through this online form for a free .mp3 of the guided iRest Yoga Nidra meditation. Be sure to specify if you want the sleep version or traditional practice.