Potcast 218: Cannabis Advertising Solutions
Have you missed me?! I’ve certainly missed you and I’m happy to reconnect after my winter broadcasting break. I’m using this first episode of the 2022 season to get back in the saddle and loop you in on what’s new and different with the potcast.
Life and the cannabis industry has evolved considerably since I started the potcast five years ago. Farmers and small business owners here in California, we’re currently fighting for our livelihoods. I’ve watched leaders emerge in our industry standing up for sensible tax reform, relief for farmers, and a transparent equity program that invests money back into the equity business and the communities they serve.
But even bigger than that, citizens around the world are waking up and standing up to totalitarianism and rejecting the obscene mandates eager to strip layer after layer of personal sovereignty away from us. With everything going on, I find it difficult to simply cover the hottest new products in cannabis when I’m watching truckers and Canadians being canceled and defunded for peacefully holding the line for our freedom. I have friends hitting pause on their lives to stand up for our medical freedom and to educate communities on our civil rights so they don’t disappear into the murky waters we’re navigating.
It is a potent time in our world’s history. And we need all of us to offer that special light that’s unique to us. If you don’t know your gift, ask Mama Cannabis to give you a hint.
As for me, I’ve felt the roller coaster of emotion the past six months - feeling defeated, wanting to quit, call this business a failure, and move on to something else. But the truth is, looking through the lens of a soulful entrepreneur, Casually Baked isn’t a failure. I get way too many emails and messages of gratitude for the service I provide to our community. But, my business model went up in flames when all hell broke loose in the world. And overnight, Casually Baked stopped paying a living wage. Crystal, my sister and consciousness coach who knows the struggle shared an email with me that included this quote from Dr. Shaunna Menard.
“It’s not about the money…but you have to make enough money so that it is not about the money.”
I’m oversharing because I know there are so many of us soulful entrepreneurs right now burning out trying to decide the next best move. I still don’t exactly what’s next but I surrendered to the experience of becoming. All I know is I want to feed both your soul and mine along the way.
I’m getting more and more comfortable asking for help and not needing to know how that help will manifest. And I do feel help. I know I’m not alone. There’s always support out there that we can’t necessarily name and we can’t put our physical hands on it. But it exists in synchronicities, and in those moments of opening a little more to possibilities. And even miracles. Help also comes when we’re inspired to take a chance. And by saying “yes” to adventure and play and “no” to more of what’s stifling our spirit. During my winter broadcast break while considering shuttin’ ‘er down, I reconnected with today’s guest who gave me a reason to be hopeful.
Something that doesn’t get talked about much is the advertising prohibition we face in the cannabis space.
The technocrats control our presence on the major social platforms and search engines. Of course, like most things in life, money can create solutions to these pesky problems. But you gotta have money to spend money to make money. And for podcasters, farmers, and small business owners, we’re ballin’ on a budget so earmarking $5-10k per month for an agency run digital marketing campaign is a stretch.
Whether you’re canna curious, a cannabis enthusiast, or a cannabis industry professional, you are part of a multi-billion dollar ecosystem that’s not so easy to reach.
So today we’re talking about the power of teamwork to make the dreamwork in cannabis. And how bringing our unique voices and perspectives together not only serves the cannabis community but helps us financially support ourselves. And as potcasters, we’re providing a platform and megaphone for cannabis businesses to reach interested and engaged new customers.
It’s the smoke circle of life my friend, and it’s time to get casually baked.
Kumbaya and cannabis,
After the Show Notes
Dan Humiston is a serial entrepreneur and cannabis podcaster. He founded Tanning Bed in 1985 and led the organization for 30-years, growing it into one of the largest indoor tanning companies in the U.S. with over 1,000 employees. Dan also founded and sold; Sunlync software, Eurowalls, Handmade Memories & the Cannabis World Congress Business Expo. Most recently, Dan created PodConx, the industry’s fastest growing cannabis-specific podcast network.
Reach the Cannabis Niche
In 2014 when Dan started the cannabis tradeshow, he began discovering that cannabis laws make it very difficult for companies to share the truth about cannabis or promote their products. He founded PodConx as a place to share uncensored cannabis information with the world.
1) Legal US cannabis sales are projected to top $30 billion in 2022
2) Future cannabis advertising revenue could exceed beer and alcohol advertising revenue.
3) Laws prohibiting cannabis advertising prevent platforms like google and facebook from accepting ads.
4) Cannabis podcasts are one of the only few legal ways for brands to market their products to the cannabis demo.
5) PodConx combines listeners from all podcasts on it's network to create the biggest audience.
6) PodConx combines two of the fastest growing and most active M&A industries: Cannabis and Podcasts
7) Since 2020 Apple, Amazon, Google, Spotify, Twitter, and SiriusXM have all purchased podcasts companies.
Tell Me What You Think
Thanks to those of you who completed the Casually Baked listener survey. I appreciate your feedback and am using it to shape this season’s potcast interviews and event lineup. Moving forward, I’m slowing down my production schedule and will release new episodes of the potcast bi-weekly.
If you didn’t complete the survey there’s still time. As a thank you, you’ll receive a discount on cannabis lifestyle coaching for you or someone you love.