Potcast 119: Stay Curious
I was in Vancouver for the Lift&Co Expo on January 9-11, exploring what’s new in the Canadian cannabis market for 2020. The 2.0 products are slowly trickling into the market - edibles, drinkables, vapes, concentrates, and topicals - so your next trip to a Canadian cannabis retail store will be a more robust experience. I carried my handheld recorder as I walked the Vancouver convention center and stopped to chat with folks along the way. I ran into some of my favorite peeps and made new friends along the way. I’m sharing a few of those insightful conversations on today’s potcast. There’s so much more to learn!
Kumbaya and cannabis,

The business conference portion of the Lift&Co expo included a lot of forecasting - which is a common theme for us all in January. New Year’s resolutions and annual goals are a great way to find your footing or get back on track. At the Lift&Co business conference, the focus was not only on Canadian cannabis but also on global markets. And no matter if the discussion was retail, research, or raising capital there’s one common theme that held true - education is the driving force in creating growth and positive change. That same theme carries over to every aspect of our lives.
So get curious. Ask questions. Arm yourself with quality information. And stay engaged.
Connect with the Canadian brands you met on this potcast recorded at Lift&Co Expo in Vancouver:
@summerbluesoptics | https://www.summerbluesoptics.com/
@lyf.edibles | https://www.lyffoods.com/
@gro4organics | https://gro4.ca/
@lyftandco | https://lift.co/
James Curran - @j.curran42 | future4200.com (James’ Recommended Forum for Cannabis Extraction and Processing
Italian Researchers Discover Two New Cannabinoids
We’re still in the early days of cannabis legalization - the institutional world hasn’t given our industry any resources. And only 7% of the global population currently uses cannabis. There’s a long way to go and we’re learning new things every single day. For example, So far over 60 phyto-cannabinoids have been identified. In late December 2019, researchers from Italy claim to have discovered two new cannabinoids, Δ9-THCP Δ9-tetrahydrocannabiphorol and CBDP, or cannabidiphorol. Δ9-THCP appears got be 30 times more potent than THC.
The cannabis tested for the study was a medicinal strain called Italian FM2, supplied by the Military Chemical Pharmaceutical Institute in Florence, Italy. The team’s study was recently published in the journal Scientific Reports and states that the new cannabinoids were discovered using a combination of liquid chromatography and high-resolution mass spectrometry. Using tests on mice, the researchers found that a dose of THCP was as active as a larger dose of THC, leading to the claim of its elevated potency.
There are currently 800 active clinical trials involving cannabis. So these sorts of discoveries will continue to happen shaping the future of plant medicine. The Italian researchers concluded that it wouldn’t be surprising to see in the near future cannabis varieties rich in other minor phytocannabinoids. This genetic selection would enable the production of cannabis extracts rich in a specific phytocannabinoid with a characteristic pharmacological profile. That means more target-specific products for consumers. And Pharma investment is coming which will continue to change the game.
Meet Summer Blues Optics and learn why you need grow room glasses on Potcast 119: Stay Curious now live wherever you listen to podcasts.