Potcast 152: The Growing Pains of Cannabis Farming
This episode is a fun one for me because it’s a casual chat with two of my buddies. For me, the next best thing to getting paid to be myself is the opportunity to collaborate with my friends. I learned my first lessons in cannabis cultivation from today’s guests back when they were “casual” growers. We talk about teamwork and mastering the daily grind of farming. We daydream about the future of their farm, Steep Hill Mendo, and the growing pains of participating in the legal cannabis market.
‘After the Show’ Notes
If you’re a novice grower looking to up your game, subscribe to the Casually Baked YouTube channel and check out the Cannabis Growing Tips playlist. Understanding the basics of anything gives us the confidence to unlock our own style. You’ll find casual show and tell videos I’ve captured when visiting farms across northern California. You’ll see different terrain and farm layouts and the unique vibe and issues each farmer faces.
Visiting Mat and Evan at their farm, Steep Hill Mendo, an organic cannabis farm located in the Yorkville Highlands of Mendocino County.
Find + Follow them on Instagram: @steephillmendo
Mat and Evan recorded some leafing tutorials so if you’re one of those who are afraid to go Edward Scissorhands on your cannabis plants, watch these videos.
These Ice Cream Cake cannabis plants are 10-days into flower and just received their last major "hair cut" of the season.
If you’ve got cannabis growing pains or newbie questions, send ‘em on over. My farmer friends and I will make a show and tell video for you.
Explore the Farm in Pictures
Here are some close-ups of my Steep Hill Mendo farm tour.