Potcast 186: Cannabis-Infused Travel
As school winds down and summer heats up, I thought you might appreciate my casually baked tips for traveling to a cannabis-legal state. I dipped way back in the archives to bring you this highly responsible travel PSA. I first recorded this in 2018 after hosting one of my casually baked besties from Texas. If you plan to visit an adult-use cannabis legal state any time soon, this potcast is for you. While I discuss the California adult-use laws, if you follow these guidelines, it’s a responsible framework no matter which cannabis legal state you’re in.
And if you’re inspired to visit the Bay Area, I’d love to be your cannabis lifestyle guide. I host one-on-one and small group experiences for both cannabis business professionals and canna-curious enthusiasts in the wine and weed country of northern California.
I’m happy to be your cannabis lifestyle guide and share what I know and learn with you. So if you feel inspired, please take a beat to rate and review Casually Baked on iTunes or Apple Podcasts. That simple action helps other canna-curious folks find this highly responsible cannabis content.
Kumbaya and cannabis, -Jo 💚
This Potcast Is Covered By MJ Relief
MJ Relief is the muscle rub for what aches and pains you. The pain-relieving, skin-soothing muscle rub I co-created with Dr. Monica Vialpando, is finally out in the wild and ready to enhance your everyday experience. MJ Relief is the same thoughtful Ph.D. formulation we’ve batch produced for friends and family as Casually Baked Muscle Rub for the past four years. But now it’s in a convenient tube so you can avoid messy mishaps, over-using, and contamination from those “double-dipping” fingers. And bonus, it smells like a relaxing dream and will up-level your next massage. I use MJ Relief damn near every day to ease my chronic neck and shoulder tension.
If you’re feelin’ my pain and want some muscle and joint relief of your own, head over to MJ Skin Relief dot com and order a tube for you and another one for your favorite friend or family member. 😘
‘After the Show’ Notes

Is Cannabis Legal In My State/The State I'm Traveling? You can find this information on a number of sites but I’m not sure everyone diligently keeps their info up-to-date. Norml.org is my go-to source for state-by-state information.
How do I find the nearest dispensary to me? Sites like Leafly.com and WeedMaps.com will help you not only find the nearest dispensaries, but you can also peruse their menu of offerings and pricing before you go.
What should I bring with me to the dispensary? You must show a valid state ID or driver's license. Also, bring cash! Many dispensaries do have ATM's but sometimes you have to walk to the corner store which is annoying.
I know it's hard to follow the rules when you don't know them. I encourage you to ask questions when you're at the dispensary if you're unclear on any rules or products or dosage and effects. I'm quite familiar with the discomfort of being in a foreign place and not knowing stuff. It's character building.
The Sustainability Roll-up is presented by OCB Rolling Papers. In perfect harmony with natural, sustainable practices, it’s always been the OCB signature to provide the highest quality, responsibly-sourced, and sustainably crafted rolling papers.
I recently learned an interesting fact from the folks at Food Revolution Network. Did you know that lawns are the single largest irrigated crop in the U.S., covering nearly 32 million acres. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables grow on only about 10 million acres in the United States. This means the space that American lawns occupy could provide enough land to grow three times as many fruits and vegetables if utilized properly.
In my experience as a former Texas homeowner with a giant backyard, keeping a beautiful, manicured lawn is high-maintenance, expensive, and doesn’t actually produce anything useful.
In fact, lawn care is a 75 billion dollar plus industry. And much of the produce you buy in your big box grocery stores is depleted of the nutrients you think you’re getting. I learned that the average plate of food travels 1,500 miles before it gets to your plate, and nutrients are lost during this process. Vegetables lose half of their nutritional value by the time they get to the store. Fruits and vegetables will never be as nutritious as they are the moment you pluck them off of the vine, or tree, or out of the ground. Every hour that goes by after that, their nutritional value literally withers away. Vegetables lose between 15 and 77 percent of their vitamin C within a week of harvest, according to a 2007 University of California Davis paper published in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. And that’s if they’re kept refrigerated the whole time! Most produces loses 30 percent of its nutritional value within three days of harvesting. Spinach can lose 90% of its vitamin C content within 24 hours of harvest, and 50 percent of its folate and carotenoids within a week. By the time it’s purchased in the grocery store, it’s often more than a week old. Fresh and local are best – and you can’t get fresher or more local than your own garden!
So, what if you decided to transform your lawn into an edible garden?
If you live in a nice neighborhood the HOA might throw a temper tantrum. Many cities have banned edible gardens, especially when placed in a front yard. Consequences range from citations to fines to, in extreme instances, jail time. Which is so incredibly ridiculous. But somebody’s got to stand up and push back. A Florida couple went to court against their town after being slapped with a $50/day fine for growing food in their front yard. Although they initially lost, the state ended up passing a law in July 2019 that prohibits towns from banning edible gardens for aesthetic reasons. And in California, a bill passed in 2014 that allows for “personal agriculture” in order to reduce food costs for those in poverty. Despite the challenges you might be faced with if you decide to transform a lawn into a garden, the benefits are high.
Speaking of high, if you grow your own herb, I’m willing to bet you want to smoke it with the most sustainably produced rolling papers on earth.
I’m currently getting acquainted with the OCB Bamboo rolling papers. Last year, OCB rolled out America’s first, ultra-thin, slow-burning BAMBOO rolling paper and cones that have been taking the market by storm. The 100% French-milled OCB bamboo is Harvested responsibly, is highly sustainable, Chlorine-free, dye-free, bleach-free, GMO-free and VEGAN. You’ll love OCB even more because they make no tear, even-burning, rolling papers with natural always-sticks acacia gum grown in African fields that OCB has been re-foresting for decades. Of course, you must be 21 and older to buy OCB rolling papers and to follow @ocb_usa on social.
I’ve loved the convenience of the OCB cones but I’ve put them on the shelf as I master the classic art of hand rolling my joints. And I had a breakthrough on last week’s episode of Roll With Me when my friend Luke taught us the art of the Dutch cone roll.
Roll With Me, a new video series launched on the Casually Baked YouTube channel in April 2021, is a collaboration with OCB Rolling Papers. Get lessons and insights on the craft of rolling while chatting about all things hemp and cannabis culture.
Complete This Form to Roll With Me On An Upcoming Episode
We all know practice makes perfect so I’m engaging my cannabis industry friends to coach me. And if you’ve got some rolling tricks up your sleeve, perhaps you, too, can school me on an episode of Roll With Me.
If you too are a joint rolling novice and want to learn the craft alongside me, go ahead and get your supplies ready. Visit ocbusa.com/BAKED to get 4 booklets of OCB and a rolling tray for only $4.99! This bundle is worth 20 bucks and is around for a limited time. But the rolling skills and street cred we’re going to earn together, my friend, makes this bundle priceless as far as I’m concerned. As for you OG’s who can roll a joint one-handed, I challenge you to sample the entire line of OCB products and let me know your favorite.
Get 4 booklets of OCB and a rolling tray for only $4.99! This bundle is worth 20 bucks and is around for a limited time. But the rolling skills and street cred we’re going to earn together, my friend, makes this bundle priceless as far as I’m concerned. ✌️💚