Potcast 100: Peddle Pub Party

I seem to find myself in Calgary for momentous occasions like 4/20 and the 100th episode of Casually Baked, the potcast. To celebrate the 100 episode milestone, I invited some friends from the Canadian cannabis community to join me for a peddle pub celebration. Between the peddling and celebrating I had a festive pint of Cakeface at Cold Garden and a chat about the local grow scene with Jameson Welbourn of Stewart Farms and Paul Dhillon, founder of Cultivated Solutions. And then we discussed my dilemmas shopping for flower in the Canadian retail cannabis stores.

Thanks to my friends in the YYC, Peddle Pub Calgary, Cold Garden, and Aylmer Nelson Cannabis for helping me celebrate 100 episodes of the potcast. I don’t think I stopped smiling the entire day.

Thanks and love! -Jo

‘After the Show’ Notes

Thanks to my friends in the Canadian cannabis community for helping me celebrate 100 Potcasts in style!CONNECT ON INSTA: @pedalpubcanada | @cold_garden | @stewartfarms.life | TWITTER: @cultivatedsol

Thanks to my friends in the Canadian cannabis community for helping me celebrate 100 Potcasts in style!

CONNECT ON INSTA: @pedalpubcanada | @cold_garden | @stewartfarms.life | TWITTER: @cultivatedsol

Potcast 100 Celebration


Health Canada Cannabis Testing

I looked up the Canadian regulations on mandatory cannabis testing for pesticide active ingredients. There are certain pest control products (PCPs) that are approved in Canada for use on cannabis. That makes sense why I was told there’s very little truly organic cannabis available here.

The Pest Management and Regulatory Agency maintains a list of historical and current PCPs used in Canada.

PCPs that are of the most concern or are most likely to be used on cannabis have been added to this pesticide active ingredients list if they:

  • were detected on cannabis in Canada or in American states that have regulated its production

  • are used against pests that can be found on cannabis

  • were observed by inspectors of Health Canada or the Canadian Border Services Agency

  • were identified because of their risk to health or the environment, or because of other factors

Health Canada encourages anyone who suspects that an unauthorized PCP not listed is being used on cannabis to communicate with the Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Branch at cannabis@canada.ca.

Indoor Vertical Aquaponics Farming

Aquaponics farming allows Stewart Farms to be sustainable and organic (aka provide consumers with clean cannabis we can all feel good about it). This is a more sophisticated farming method as compared to basic soil-less models.

Johanna Nuding Comments