Potcast 101: Cannabis Retail Therapy

Shopping for cannabis is easy if you’re just trying to get high. But, if you prefer to hone your experience, this potcast is for you. Get hot tips for shopping in the Canadian retail stores or anywhere else you travel around the world with adult-use cannabis dispensaries.

Thanks to our YYC cannabis sherpa, Paul Dhillon, for giving us the tour of Aylmer Nelson Cannabis in Inglewood, Calgary. And thanks, Mack, for letting us bring an entourage and cameras into ANC. Educating the gen pop takes a lot of open minds, collaboration, and being in the flow. Thank you for getting it and sharing your space with the Casually Baked tribe.

Kumbaya and cannabis,


‘After the Show’ Notes

Thank you Mack and Aylmer Nelson Cannabis in Inglewood, Calgary, for the hospitality.Connect on Instagram: @aylmernelson

Thank you Mack and Aylmer Nelson Cannabis in Inglewood, Calgary, for the hospitality.

Connect on Instagram: @aylmernelson

Paul Dhillon is the founder of Cultivated Solutions, a cannabis consulting company that fills educational gaps in the emerging cannabis industry. He is an experienced customer relations specialist with expertise developing strategy, implementing sal…

Paul Dhillon is the founder of Cultivated Solutions, a cannabis consulting company that fills educational gaps in the emerging cannabis industry. He is an experienced customer relations specialist with expertise developing strategy, implementing sales initiatives, and building high-performing teams. Paul believes sustaining high levels of sales comes from lasting customer relationships that inspire customer loyalty. He has dedicated himself to battling public misconceptions of cannabis and introducing new consumers to responsible use practices. Explore Cultivated Solutions programs here.

Shopping for cannabis away from home can be confusing if you’re trying to replicate an experience or treat specific needs. And if you happen to be traveling in Canada, the retail experience is different than what we’ve become used to with adult-use legalization in California. Here are some shopping tips to help hone your experience no matter where in the world you’re buying cannabis.


Before you go into the dispensary or cannabis retail location, I suggest you PRE-SHOP their selection online. All of the dispensaries I researched while in Alberta have their menus listed online, as do most in North America. And some offer quite a bit of information because the menus are integrated into strain aggregators like Leafly or WeedMaps with crowd-sourced notes on the effects. So, if you’re like me and fruity or berry smelling bud suits your body then you can quickly scan and find those options.

NOTE: If you don’t know the style of flower that’s best for you, START JOURNALING or monitor your experience with a simple dosage tracker. Experiment to find what feels best for you!

Jot down your potential flower matches and take that list into the dispensary with you.

If you want to taste and experience your favorite style of bud everywhere you travel, don’t be afraid to ask smart questions like these:

  • “I made a list of the strains you carry that I’d typically prefer, based on the tasting notes I read on your website. Is one of the strains on my list a standout from the rest in terms of the freshness, flower structure, stickiness, and terpene richness?”

  • “What can you tell me about the cultivars I’m considering? What is their growing style and curing method? Who is consistently turning out quality flower you appreciate?”

  • “Are they family-owned or part of a craft-coop or is it corporate weed?” It’s your personal choice who to support.

  • During cannabis retail therapy, if you feel good about the bud tenders level of knowledge after asking your questions, ask for a wildcard pick - “What else should I try?”

    • They’ll drop some local grow knowledge and you’ll leave with a random joint or a few grams and a great story about the cannabis you’re about to share with your friends or loved one.


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