Potcast 57: Cannabis Media Jam

My friend Danny Keith, CEO of Cannabis Club TV joined me in the studio for a casually baked media jam session. We connect on changing the narrative and stigma around cannabis consumption and we loooove talking shop so we took a break from New West Summit to chat media business, social, and on-demand cannabis content. If you’re canna curious looking for a visual medium explore this potcast and CannabisClub.TV.

Get casually baked with me on channel 203 on CCTV.

“After the Show” Notes

If you’re canna curious explore the cannabis culture online at CannabisClub.TV.

iOS users don’t forget you can download the free Cannabis Club TV app on your iPhone or iPad and watch commercial-free content for the time being. When you’re there, I hope you’ll get casually baked with me on channel 203.

If you know someone looking for fresh cannabis content on-demand I hope you’ll share this episode of the potcast with a friend or family member. 

If you’re a cannabis business or brand interested in harnessing the spending power of canna curious customers at the point of sale in top tier dispensaries across the country email dana@cannabisclub.tv. Tell him Jo sent you ;) and lock in a $9 per screen rate. 

If you’re a dispensary manager or owner, visit cannabisclub.tv, click on the dispensary tab, and reserve your free in store CCTV setup through a simple online application process

Let’s give a big warm welcome to my latest creative exploration: Love, Mary Jane

Love, Mary Jane is a big talk podcast focusing on relationships in the modern cannabis culture.

available on Radio Public, Spotify, iTunes, Google Play, or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

The “Love, Mary Jane” podcast is based on a cannabis lifestyle/advice column I created and authored last year for Pineapple magazine from my experience as a dating and relationship writer.

It’s fun for me! It’ll probably push the boundaries of your comfort zone - but in a good way. A way that makes you feel empowered and in control of your shit. Which is the second greatest feeling of all, right? (Unconditional love is #1. Duh.)

If you’re feeling it - Reach out for advice or inspiration in whatever cannabis-infused sticky situation you find yourself.

Kumbaya and cannabis,


New West Summit

The day this podcast launched I received an email from the NWS event producers regarding the Marriott strike details and situation from their POV. They also included a link for us to donate to the Marriott workers’ efforts.

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