Potcast 24: Meet a Pot Farmer

Join Jo for a behind-the-scenes look at the life of a Sonoma County cannabis farmer and his family during harvest season.

NOTE: I've talked to Oaky Joe since the wild fires and his family was fortunate to not lose their home or crops in the blaze that affected so many California farmers and families during harvest this year. If you want to donate funds to the cannabis farmers impacted by the fires, the California Growers Association is raising funds here or read this thorough list of ways to give back reported by GreenState.

'After the Show' Notes

Want to learn more about the strains Oaky Joe talks about in this episode of the potcast?

Here are your Leafly strain links:

White Russian

Grape Ape

Berry White

Blue Dream

Blackberry Kush

Other Canna Curious links:

Cannabis Cola


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